Vietnam Agency Networking Trip


My name is Roman Pivovarov, I’m the cofounder & managing partner of ADCONSULT, a networking consultancy for the advertising, media, digital & commucations agencies.

One of our key recurring projects for the past 10+ years have been the International Networking Journeys that we organize for the CEOs of advertising & marketing agencies worldwide.

And that’s exactly why we’re coming to Vietnam this March 17th-21st with a small international team of agency CEOs for a week of meetings with Vietnam's most prominent digital, advertising, media, creative, marketing, PR & communications agencies.

ADCONSULT at Ogilvy, Sao Paulo, 2016

What am I proposing?

I'd like to propose a meeting with you & your team for a small group of agency CEOs and owners.

We'll be in Vietnam on the week of March 17th-21st, for agency visits to connect with colleagues from advertising and creative industry.

We will be in Ha Noi on March 17-18th and in HCMC on March 20-21st.

Nothing formal or official, we’re not a “delegation” or anything, simply a group of colleagues and friends from different agencies.

Just think of us as an informal club of agency owners.

Also, please note that of course this networking event involves no costs for you as our hosts.

We are not asking for any payment for this meeting, nor are we offering a fee for it. Our aim is purely for mutual exchange and connection.

ADCONSULT at Asiaray Outdoor, Hong Kong, 2019

Our primary objective is simple get-to-know-you and networking to explore new business opportunities and collaborations with colleagues across the world.

And we’d like to meet with likewise open-minded creative and marketing agencies, their leadership and founders.

So, perhaps, it would be possible to arrange a brief 1-2 hour visit to your office to meet with you and your creative & leadership team?

Let me know if you're open to that.

I will appreciate your prompt response.

ADCONSULT at R/GA, Buenos Aires, 2019

What are the objectives?
What's the benefit?

We believe that agency's growth is fueled by new connections, new insights, new markets and meeting new people in the industry (and beyond it, of course).

This is exactly why every few months we gather together a group of agency owners (each time it’s a different group) to go on a journey to some new country and new market to meet and connect with fellow creative agencies and their best minds.

During each of our one-week trips we usually have about 10-15 meetings with different local agencies, creative associations, marketing & research companies, etc.

We learn from each other, share tools, client work, discuss potential collaboration & joint projects, engage in external expertise, explore opportunities, etc.

Here are a few examples of potential business opportunities that could emerge from such meetings:

Objectives and opportunities

First of all, many of the clients that our agencies represent are interested in entering and investing in the Vietnam and ASEAN markets.

Especially the ones in edutech, real estate, banking / fintech and FMCG sectors.

They encourage our participating agencies to actively seek advertising and marketing partners, which could potentially make your agency a valuable choice for them.

That is one of the reasons for us choosing Vietnam as a one of the destinations for this year's networking journeys.

Secondly, numerous adtech, martech, and e-commerce products that we work and partner with on our local markets are now expanding globally.

These products are also in search of partners and vendors in the region.

Thirdly, agencies in our group with existing international clients are looking for reliable partners, suppliers, and professionals who can assist them with various aspects of their work, such as outsourcing creative work, for example.

Finally, perhaps, your clients as well might be interested in expanding into the regions covered by the agencies in our group.

Of course, there are no guarantees that we will strike immediate business deals the very next day. :)

Nevertheless, our experience of over a decade with similar networking projects in other countries speaks for itself.

Concrete business opportunities often arise from such meetings, where our members find partners, exchange clients, or become vendors for each other's projects.

We strongly believe that such networking meetings are very valuable both, to the participanting agencies and to our hosts.

Two final important things need to be said to clarify our objectives:

First, our goal is not to sell services or seek employment opportunities. Our international networking journey is not about junior agencies or freelancers looking for work.

Quite the opposite, we often bring clients along to these meetings, emphasizing the mutual exchange of insights and experiences rather than transactional relationships.

Secondly, again, please note, this networking event involves no costs for you as our hosts. We are not asking for any payment for this meeting, nor are we offering a fee for it. Our aim is purely for collaborative interaction and building connections.

ADCONSULT at Bandeirantes, Rio De Janeiro, 2013 

Who is coming?
Who is in the group?

We are a small group of CEOs and owners of independent digital, media, marketing, and advertising agencies.

We are not an official delegation, we are simply marketing and advertising professionals, very much like you, seeking new partnerships, exploring new markets for our clients, and looking for innovative solutions.

You could think of us as something akin to an informal club or an association of agency owners.

ADCONSULT at Heads, Stockholm, 2018

What’s the background of this project?

Since 2012 we’ve organized 30+ similar international networking events for the advertising community in over 20 countries.

Over these 13 years we've met and collaborated with 500+ agencies worldwide, big and small, local and multinationals.

Initially, ADCONSULT was a networking project for the advertising, media, and digital industry in Russophone (Russian-speaking) markets, including Russia, ex-USSR countries, Eastern Europe, and other regions with a significant Russian-speaking presence.

We brought together approximately 1200 agencies for networking, collaboration, and joint projects.

In 2020 we’ve moved our offices to Subotica (Serbia) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) to broaden the scope of participating agencies that join us on these journeys.

ADCONSULT networking projects, 2012—2024

What's the agenda?
How will the meeting go?

We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to visit you at your office.

Usually, our networking meetings last for 1-2 hours.

Here's a suggested simple & straightforward agenda for our gatherings:

These meetings are incredibly beneficial for all participants and definitely are an enjoyable and enlightening experiences for the hosting agency as well.

ADCONSULT at GWA, Berlin, 2017

We truly believe that our clients may benefit from our partnerships with Vietnam's agencies and their approach to creative communication.

And, perhaps, we can bring something to the table for you as well.

So if you and/or your team have a few free hours during the week of March 17th-21st, we'd be thrilled to meet with you.

This is why I'm proposing this brief meeting to explore the opportunities that are currently unfolding for potential partnerships.

Let's meet up and research these possibilities together.

Please let me know if you are open to that.

We’ll discuss the preferred format of the meeting and set up the exact date & time.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

ADCONSULT at DDB, Seoul, 2015

My contact details

Feel free to email me or message me at your earliest convenience:

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

👍 Thanks!

Global Networking and Consultancy for Advertising Agencies and Media Companies

© 2005—2025 ADCONSULT